Optimizing images before uploading them to your website can significantly improve your website’s loading time, speed, and ranking. Unfortunately, many businesses upload unoptimized images to their sites, resulting in a poor user experience. This article will show you the proper way to optimize your website images. What is image optimization? Image optimization is the process of delivering images in the correct size, format, resolution, and dimension without compromising their quality. The goal is to improve the loading speed of websites to give visitors a better browsing experience. How to optimize website images Here are helpful tips for optimizing the images on your website. 1. Choose the correct file formatDigital images come in various formats, but the three most commonly used types for websites are: 2. Name your images properlyIt’s important to use relevant keywords when naming your website images because search engines like Google crawl the text on your website and image file names. Using keyword-rich and descriptive image file names will allow search engines to provide more accurate results to customers looking for a particular product or service. For example, if your website sells used cars, naming an image Red-Ford-Mustang-LX-2012.jpg will get more search results than a generic file name like used-car.jpg or DCIMIMAGE001.jpg. 3. Use alt tagsAlt tags are texts that appear in place of a website image that fails to load on a user’s screen. ... [Read More]
5 tips for effective social media posts
Regardless of your company's size, social media marketing is a fickle tool you can't afford to ignore, especially if your business targets Generation Z customers. Read on to discover five simple tips to create effective social media posts and some ways to get the most out of your social media posts. 1. Choose the right platform Between Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and LinkedIn to choose from, you may be tempted to sign up for more social media accounts than you’re ready to manage. It may not seem like much at first, but you'd be surprised by how quickly you can be overwhelmed by statuses, commenting on existing posts, and answering inquiries on every platform, which is why it’s better to adopt only a few platforms that can effectively attract your target customers. Ask yourself these questions before deciding which platform to use: Who is my target customer and what channels do they use? What do I hope to gain by opening a social media account? What kind of content do I want to share and create? How much time can I devote to social media management? 2. Know when to update Are most of your customers online at 8am or 8pm? With a better understanding of your target users' habits, you can schedule your posts so they create more traffic, increase brand engagement and, eventually, generate new leads and customers. Depending on which platform you choose to invest in, you should post a new update during these times for maximum engagement: ... [Read More]
How Facebook’s News Feed Tweaks Affect You
Facebook’s newest action can mean bad news to businesses. The company had announced its decision to screen its News Feed to include less content from publishers and businesses and more from your loved ones. This comes after the allegations of how social media has unconsciously shaped people’s opinion and mental well-being. Potential Outcome for Facebook One of the main sources of revenue for the social media giant is from its advertising program. But with the changes set to take place, there’s a high possibility that users will spend less time on its platform. This would mean comparatively less effective advertising than before, thus fewer advertisement signups from businesses. While they do admit this move may potentially hurt profitability, Facebook hopes this change will improve user experience, which in the long-run may translate into higher profits. Reason for News Feed Change Users enjoy learning about what’s happening in their social circles. Whether what's shared is as mundane as what someone recently baked, or as momentous as a wedding, every day millions of users like and comment about each other's lives. For this reason, Facebook has decided to spotlight images and videos that are more meaningful to people on a personal level. Such posts have greater power to deepen human bonds. Weighing the Pros and Cons of the News Feed Change However, research has found that constant use of Facebook can cause people to feel alienated and inadequate, reducing ... [Read More]