4 Easy Tips to Improve Google Indexing

Make sure you’re indexed by Google Whether you’re a newbie or an expert in search engine optimization (SEO), Google changes so often that it can be overwhelming to keep up with. That can be pretty frustrating since businesses of any size need to get people to their sites in order to really grow in our […]

HTTPS Matters More than Ever for Your Website

SSL Website Hosting

HTTPS usage on the web has taken off mainly due to Google and their Chrome web browser.  HTTPS has now become a requirement for many new browser features, and Chrome is dedicated to making it as easy as possible to set up HTTPS. Let’s take a look at how. For several years, Google has moved […]

How to Leverage Social Media for your Business

Do you, as a new or even a very experienced business owner, know how to take advantage of social media exposure, especially if no one has any idea what your new business is all about? The truth is, this is one of the best uses of social media that I can think of.   Even you […]

Google Search Tips To Make your Life Easier

[post_date format=”F j, Y” label=”Date: “] [post_categories sep=” | “] What would we do without Google? Sure, there are other search engines out there; but let’s face it, Google has left its competitors in the dust, thanks to its speed and ease of use. What’s more, the search engine is packed with advanced search features that […]

Using Google Posts can Attract More Local Business

Launched in 2016 at the end of the year this new product was certainly overshadowed by the  presidential election, Google Posts was originally intended to be used by the presidential candidates. In response to the extreme limitation, Google expanded the service to a number of local businesses in the same year. Here’s why it gained […]