Do you, as a new or even a very experienced business owner, know how to take advantage of social media exposure, especially if no one has any idea what your new business is all about? The truth is, this is one of the best uses of social media that I can think of. Even you can succeed with social media, even if you have what could be perceived as a small, newbie brand. Read on to learn more. #1 Prove you’re an expert It’s important to know everything there is about your product/brand, and often it's a good idea to know even everything beyond it. According to PR firm founder Heather DeSantis of Publicity For Good, one needs to “transition from being a business owner and someone selling a product to a thought leader. You have to have actionable tips that other small-business owners can take action on”. #2 Establish profiles on major social media sites Take time to figure out which social media sites your target customers frequent. Then set up pages or profiles on those sites -- and post content regularly, at least once a week. To post to multiple social media platforms at a time, consider using a service such as Hootsuite. Once profiles are up and running, don't let them fall behind. Outdated profiles are almost as bad as nonexistent ones. #3 Create fresh, shareable content Google loves original and valuable content. By creating informative articles, people will share links to your site and you'll notice a difference in Google's search results. Just remember: Write for ... [Read More]